The Brave New World of Small Data

If you are like me, you see a bunch of interesting thoughts, blogs and articles every day that you hope to get around to reading. Here’s my answer – 28 seconds of my learning around a topic I have been exploring. If you think the 28 seconds justify reading more, I believe you will get a “useful insight for your day.” Jeff 28 Seconds of Insight on Small Data: Quantifiable, personal data (what I have labeled Small Data) takes the generalization out of life – “I am pretty active…” is proven to not be accurate when you now understand exactly how inactive you are on a day that you sit in meetings from 8 am to 5 pm. What gets measured gets managed, especially for goal-oriented people. That is as true in personal endeavors as it is in professional endeavors Instant and immediate feedback changes behavior. People will play the “game” towards beneficial results (just as they will toward non-beneficial results). The Deeper Dive Into Small Data Big Data is the buzzword of the...